40 tahun berdagang. Lebih dari 150.000 klien. 10.000 pasar. CFD adalah produk leveraged dan bisa mengakibatkan kerugian yang melebihi deposit. Anda tidak memiliki atau memiliki kepentingan atas underlying asset. Silakan mempertimbangkan Margin Trading Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) sebelum melakukan transaksi CFD dengan kami. Nilai saham dan ETF yang dibeli melalui akun perdagangan saham IG dapat turun dan juga naik, yang berarti semakin sedikit pengembalian yang Anda keluarkan semula. Pastikan Anda benar-benar memahami risikonya dan berhati-hati dalam mengelola eksposur Anda. IG tidak mengeluarkan saran, rekomendasi atau pendapat sehubungan dengan mengakuisisi, menahan atau membuang produk kami. IG bukan penasihat keuangan dan semua layanan diberikan berdasarkan eksekusi saja. Situs ini dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh IG Markets Limited. ABN 84 099 019 851, AFSL 220440. Lisensi penerbit derivatif di Selandia Baru, FSP No. 18923 Informasi di situs ini tidak ditujukan untuk penduduk Amerika Serikat, Belgia atau negara tertentu di luar Australia atau Selandia Baru dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk Distribusi ke, atau penggunaan oleh, setiap orang di negara atau yurisdiksi manapun dimana distribusi atau penggunaan semacam itu akan bertentangan dengan hukum atau peraturan setempat. CFD adalah produk leveraged dan bisa mengakibatkan kerugian yang melebihi deposit. Anda tidak memiliki atau memiliki kepentingan atas underlying asset. Silakan mempertimbangkan Margin Trading Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) sebelum melakukan transaksi CFD dengan kami. Nilai saham dan ETF yang dibeli melalui akun perdagangan saham IG dapat turun dan juga naik, yang berarti semakin sedikit pengembalian yang Anda keluarkan semula. Pastikan Anda benar-benar memahami risikonya dan berhati-hati dalam mengelola eksposur Anda. IG tidak mengeluarkan saran, rekomendasi atau pendapat terkait dengan perolehan, penahanan atau pemindahan produk kami. IG bukan penasihat keuangan dan semua layanan diberikan berdasarkan eksekusi saja. Situs ini dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh IG Markets Limited. ABN 84 099 019 851, AFSL 220440. Lisensi penerbit derivatif di Selandia Baru, FSP No. 18923 Informasi di situs ini tidak ditujukan kepada penduduk Amerika Serikat atau negara tertentu di luar Australia atau Selandia Baru dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk didistribusikan ke , Atau digunakan oleh, setiap orang di negara atau wilayah hukum dimana distribusi atau penggunaan semacam itu akan bertentangan dengan hukum atau peraturan setempat. INI MEMINDAHKAN KOLEKSI DANCEWEAR Menyediakan berbagai macam sepatu dan sepatu dan sepatu untuk segala jenis tarian Dari merek tari terkemuka Bloch. Capezio. Dibebaskan dari London. Repetto. Jadi Danca. Sansha dan banyak lagi, termasuk koleksi Move Dancewear kami sendiri, bersumber untuk Anda dengan harga terjangkau dengan desain hebat, dan kain berkualitas tinggi. Ada yang bisa Anda butuhkan untuk memulai di kelas dansa, untuk balet. Leotards. Rok Tutus. Berbagai macam celana ketat tato microfibre super lembut. Dan sepatu balet cocok untuk pemula sampai ke tingkat profesional. Ada acara hangat untuk semua gaya dansa yang membuat Anda nyaman, dari, dan selama kelas dan latihan Anda, dan tas dansa yang hebat bagi Anda untuk membawa semua peralatan Anda ke dalam Jangan lupa tarian tap dan koleksi sepatu jazz kami yang hebat, serta pilihan yang luar biasa. Untuk ballroom, latin dan salsa dancing. Daftar ke buletin 149 Pertama lihat barang baru terbaru 149 Penawaran eksklusif dan diskon 149 Saran dan gagasan Dancewear PRODUK MULTI POPULER Berbagai macam produk Pindah BALLROOM FAVORITES Berbagai macam ballroom, sepatu salsa latin Langsung ke Pointe Menemukan sepatu titik yang tepat adalah Tugas berat untuk penari mana pun, dengan begitu banyak merek dan model yang tersedia, sulit dipercaya untuk menentukan mana yang terbaik untuk Anda dan kaki Anda. Jadi kami bertanya kepada Debs, tukang sepatu pointe ahli kami di toko Move Dancewear di Manchester untuk mendapatkan tip utamanya. Dance World Cup - Jersey 2016 Dance mania melanda Jersey minggu lalu saat ia menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia Dance. Lebih dari 12.000 pesaing dari 38 negara yang berbeda ikut serta dalam acara tersebut yang merupakan kompetisi tarian bergenre all-genre terbesar di dunia untuk anak-anak dan dewasa muda. Minggu ini penuh sesak dengan penari bercita-cita muda. WIN Tickets to FOOTLOOSE THE MUSICAL Footloose sudah kembali dan lebih baik dari sebelumnya Kick off sepatu Sunday Anda dan dipotong longgar saat rock ledakan meluncur menggulung sensasi musik Footloose meledak ke panggung Inggris dalam pertunjukan remaster yang memastikan jari kaki Anda mengetuk. Berdasarkan film hit 1980-an yang menggandeng dunia dengan stor. Musim semi sedang dalam perjalanan di Move Manchester Toko Manchester kami yang indah membawa Spring dengan tampilan jendela bunga baru yang cantik Datang dan lihatlah, dan mampir untuk mendapatkan beberapa barang dancewear yang menakjubkan sementara Anda berada di sana 58 Port Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, Review M1 2EQ. Prosper untuk Catatan Editor Investor Baru: Ulasan ini berisi beberapa tautan ke Prosper yang merupakan tautan afiliasi. Jika Anda membuka akun melalui salah satu link ini maka blog akan mendapat komisi kecil dari Prosper. Pendiri blog ini menjadi investor Prosper sejak 2010 dan memiliki lebih dari 300.000 yang diinvestasikan dalam beberapa akun pinjaman p2p. Anda dapat melihat akun pinjaman Peter8217s p2p dan kembali ke sini. Tinjauan terakhir diperbarui pada bulan Juni 2015. Prosper adalah platform pinjaman p2p pertama di AS ketika diluncurkan kembali pada tahun 2006. Perusahaan ini telah menjadi perusahaan yang mengalami pelecehan dan setelah beberapa cegukan pada hari-hari awal telah memantapkan dirinya sebagai salah satu dari dua pemain utama di industri. Seiring dengan ulasan terperinci ini, Lend Academy juga telah memberikan video di bawah ini yang memberi Anda gambaran mendalam tentang akun Prosper. Ada juga demonstrasi penyaringan dasar mengenai pinjaman Prosper dan informasi lebih lanjut untuk investor baru. Jika Anda tidak dapat melihat video di bawah ini, Anda juga dapat menontonnya di YouTube di sini. Ketika investor menganggap Prosper sebagai investasi yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengingat bahwa sebenarnya ada dua iterasi perusahaan. Prosper 1.0 berasal dari awal tahun 2006 sampai 2008 ketika standar underwriting sangat longgar (nilai kredit minimum adalah 520) dan tingkat pengembalian rata-rata investor negatif. Prosper 2.0 adalah dari tahun 2009 sampai sekarang ketika standar underwriting meningkat secara dramatis (skor FICO minimum sekarang 640) dan pengembalian untuk investor jauh lebih baik. Berikut adalah grafik yang menunjukkan rata-rata pengembalian musiman bagi investor sejak 2009 yang dipecah berdasarkan tingkat pinjaman. Nilai Pinjaman dan Nilai Prosper Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat pada grafik di atas Prosper memiliki tujuh nilai pinjaman yang disebut Prosper Ratings: AA, A, B, C, D, E dan HR dimana AA merupakan risiko terendah terhadap SDM yang sebenarnya merupakan risiko tinggi. . Harga mulai pukul 5.99 untuk pinjaman AA 3 tahun sampai dengan 31,72 untuk pinjaman HR. Untuk daftar suku bunga yang lengkap, Anda harus pergi ke halaman bantuan peminjam Prosper dan klik pada nomor 8220Apa tingkat suku bunga pinjaman8221 di bawah Applying for a Loan. Salah satu bagian unik dari cara Prosper memberi peringkat peminjam adalah bahwa mereka menggunakan lebih dari sekedar kelas pinjaman juga ada Prosper Score mulai dari 1-11. Ini adalah skor yang mereka kembangkan secara internal berdasarkan riwayat pembayaran peminjam aktual di platform mereka. Mereka menggunakan nilai Prosper dan informasi kredit peminjam untuk menentukan tingkat suku bunga dan perkiraan tingkat kerugian. Kelayakan Investor Tidak semua orang bisa berinvestasi di Prosper. Ada daftar persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh semua investor sebelum mereka dapat membuka rekening: Investor perorangan harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas, memiliki nomor Jaminan Sosial yang valid serta rekening giro atau tabungan. Anda harus berada dalam status yang memenuhi syarat. Pada tulisan ini penduduk di negara bagian berikut dapat melakukan investasi: Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Virginia Barat, Wisconsin dan Wyoming. Beberapa negara bagian, Alaska, Idaho, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia dan Washington. Memiliki persyaratan kelayakan finansial dari penghasilan kotor tahunan 70.000 dan kekayaan bersih 70.000. Juga, tidak ada penduduk di negara bagian ini yang dapat menginvestasikan lebih dari 10 kekayaan bersih mereka di catatan Prosper. Investor California memiliki persyaratan khusus mereka sendiri. Untuk daftar lengkap peraturan kelayakan, Anda harus memeriksa bagian Investor Help di situs web Prospers. Cara Kerjanya Berinvestasi di Prosper adalah proses yang relatif sederhana. Ini dimulai saat peminjam mengajukan pinjaman. Jika peminjam memenuhi kriteria underwriting Prospers, seperti skor FICO minimal 640 (untuk peminjam baru) maka pinjaman tersebut akan dicantumkan pada platform untuk investor. Ada dua platform yang berbeda di Prosper, keseluruhan pinjaman dan platform pinjaman pecahan. Keseluruhan platform pinjaman adalah untuk investor yang sangat besar, biasanya dana atau investor institusional lainnya, di mana pinjaman tersedia secara keseluruhan. Investor tidak bisa berinvestasi di bagian pinjaman, mereka harus mengambil seluruh jumlah. Tinjauan ini paling memperhatikan platform pinjaman pecahan dimana investor dapat berinvestasi dalam porsi kecil (pecahan) pinjaman. Investor bisa membuka rekening hanya dengan 25, yang juga merupakan investasi minimum per pinjaman. Dengan cara ini investor bisa membangun portofolio pinjaman, hanya mengambil pecahan kecil dari setiap pinjaman. Prosper senang mempromosikan fakta bahwa setiap investor sejak 2009 (Prosper 2.0) yang telah menginvestasikan setidaknya 100 pinjaman telah memberikan hasil positif. Setelah investasi dilakukan, jumlah tersebut dikumpulkan dengan investor lain. Dengan asumsi pinjaman tersebut sepenuhnya didanai dan peminjam melewati semua langkah verifikasi maka pinjaman tersebut diberikan kepada peminjam, kurang biaya originasi Peser (hingga 4,95 tergantung pada tingkat pinjaman). Kemudian dalam waktu 30-45 hari investor harus mulai melihat pembayaran yang menunjukkan akun mereka, karena pembayaran pokok dan bunga dilakukan setiap bulan selama masa pinjaman. Anda bisa membaca tentang biaya yang dikenakan Prosper kepada investor di pos ini. Apa Risiko Prosper memang menawarkan kemungkinan pengembalian investasi yang sangat baik. Jadi, pertanyaan yang harus dilakukan investor yang paling berhati-hati adalah: bagaimana dengan risiko Berinvestasi dengan Prosper memiliki sejumlah risiko: Peminjam gagal bayar pinjaman tidak aman sehingga investor memiliki sedikit jalan lain jika peminjam memutuskan untuk tidak membayar. Tingkat default tahunan di semua kelas di Prosper adalah 3-4 dengan peminjam berisiko tinggi memiliki tingkat default yang lebih tinggi. Diversifikasi pinjaman yang buruk Hal ini terkait dengan default peminjam namun banyak investor baru terjebak dalam perangkap ini sehingga perlu ditekankan di sini. Investor baru harus memanfaatkan 25 investasi minimum. Berinvestasi dalam 20 pinjaman pada 250 memiliki risiko jauh lebih tinggi daripada menginvestasikan 200 pinjaman pada 25. Dengan 20 pinjaman, satu default dapat menghapus sebagian besar keuntungan investasi. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang diversifikasi portofolio dasar dan kemudian membaca analisis statistik tentang diversifikasi pinjaman p2p. Kebangkrutan Prosper Ada dua badan hukum di Prosper. Ada Prosper Marketplace Inc. yang menjalankan platform dan semua fungsi administratif dan kemudian ada Prosper Funding LLC yang memegang semua pinjaman. Struktur dua bagian ini memberikan tingkat perlindungan kebangkrutan jika Prosper harus bangkrut karena pinjamannya dipinjam dalam entitas terpisah dan harus bebas dari klaim oleh kreditor. Prosper terus tumbuh dengan cepat dan mencatat kuartal pertama mereka di triwulan III 2014. Risiko suku bunga jangka waktu pinjaman tiga atau lima tahun jadi selama ini suku bunga bisa meningkat secara substansial. Harga investasi FDIC dapat meningkat secara dramatis saat ini. Selain itu, karena investor, kami mengandalkan Prosper untuk memberi harga pinjaman ini dengan tingkat bunga yang sesuai sepadan dengan risikonya. Risiko Likuiditas Sementara ada pasar sekunder pada Prosper sebuah investasi di sini seharusnya tidak dianggap cair. Memang benar bahwa pinjaman bisa dibeli dan dijual di pasar sekunder ini tapi sama sekali bukan pasar yang sangat aktif. Selain itu, Prosper tidak mengizinkan adanya pinjaman terlambat untuk dicatatkan pada platform perdagangan mereka yang selanjutnya mengurangi likuiditas investor. Platform Investasi Pada pinjaman baru Prosper ditambahkan ke platform tujuh hari dalam seminggu. Mereka ditambahkan dalam batch pada pukul 9 dan 5 sore Waktu Pasifik setiap hari kerja dan pada siang hari Waktu Pasifik di akhir pekan. Setiap pinjaman akan tetap di platform sampai dua minggu atau sampai 100 didanai. Tangkapan layar di atas adalah dari halaman ringkasan akun utama saya 8211 ini adalah halaman yang akan Anda lihat saat pertama kali masuk. Menghasilkan Jutawan Investasi membuat investor mudah menaruh uang mereka untuk bekerja. Ketika investor mengklik Browse Listings dari layar Prosper utama mereka pertama kali dihadirkan dengan apa yang oleh Prosper sebut sebagai Listing Unggulan. Ini adalah bagian dari semua pinjaman yang tersedia dan memberikan kemudahan bagi investor untuk memilih pinjaman. Ini adalah pinjaman yang sepenuhnya diverifikasi sebagian besar dan siap untuk uang investor. Namun, beberapa investor serius menggunakan fitur ini, hanya ada beberapa opsi mudah untuk investor baru. Menyaring Pinjaman Saat investor mengeklik tautan Tampilkan Semua Cantuman dari layar Unggulan Tampilkan semua pinjaman tersedia ditampilkan. Disini investor dapat melihat setiap pinjaman satu per satu atau menerapkan beberapa filter untuk membuat daftar sedikit lebih mudah dikelola. Prosper menyediakan daftar filter yang kaya untuk investor dengan lebih dari 40 opsi berbeda. Sebagian besar investor memulai dengan Prosper Rating, namun ada lebih banyak pilihan tentang setiap peminjam dan sejarah kredit mereka. Dont tahu harus mulai dari mana Dalam posting ini saya berbagi beberapa teknik penyaringan yang sangat sederhana dan inilah bagaimana saya telah berinvestasi akhir-akhir ini. Anda juga dapat melihat kriteria filter strategi Prosper sederhana saya secara langsung di NSR. Saya mendorong Anda untuk meluangkan waktu untuk lebih memahami penyaringan. Cara saya belajar tentang hal itu adalah menganalisis sejarah pinjaman Prosper. Cara terbaik untuk melakukannya adalah dengan menggunakan salah satu situs pihak ketiga seperti NSRPlatform. Waktu yang dihabiskan untuk menjalankan kueri di situs ini akan memberi Anda nuansa untuk berbagai penggerak pengembalian investor. Setelah Anda menyiapkan beberapa filter dasar, Anda dapat menyimpannya untuk penggunaan selanjutnya. Dengan cara ini, setiap kali Anda login Anda dapat dengan cepat menemukan pinjaman yang tersedia yang memenuhi kriteria Anda. Selain itu, Anda dapat menggunakan fitur Prosper yang disebut Quick Invest yang akan memenuhi kriteria pinjaman Anda dan menginvestasikan uang yang tersedia hanya dengan beberapa klik. Jika Anda tidak yakin bagaimana cara penyaringan dilakukan, pastikan menonton di atas video yang ditunjukkan secara mendetail. Pentingnya Menjadi Cepat Hari ini, pinjaman p2p menjadi sangat populer di kalangan investor. Begitu banyak, sehingga ada kelebihan pasokan dari dolar investor terutama jika menyangkut pinjaman bunga yang lebih tinggi. Investor yang hanya tertarik dengan nilai pinjaman AA dan A tidak akan memiliki masalah dalam menemukan pinjaman untuk diinvestasikan namun untuk nilai lain, ada banyak persaingan. Nilai pinjaman yang lebih tinggi (C, D, E amp HR) sangat populer di kalangan investor dan sebagian dari pinjaman ini diinvestasikan sepenuhnya dalam waktu dua menit setelah ditambahkan ke platform. Jadi, jika seorang investor ingin memiliki pilihan paling banyak saat memilih pinjaman, sebaiknya perhatikan baik-baik waktu yang tercantum di atas. Investasi Otomatis Tidak setiap investor ingin masuk pada waktu tertentu setiap hari untuk diinvestasikan. Untungnya, ada pilihan otomatis di dalam Prosper sendiri dan melalui API mereka: 1. Automated Quick Invest (AQI) Jika Anda telah menyiapkan pencarian tersimpan Anda seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, ini sangat mudah diterapkan. Kapan pun Anda menjalankan Quick Invest dari penelusuran tersimpan, Anda sebenarnya diberi opsi untuk mengubahnya menjadi Automated Quick Invest. Setelah selesai filter Anda akan diterapkan setiap kali pinjaman ditambahkan ke platform. 2. Prosper API Prosper memiliki API (Application Programming Interface) yang tersedia bagi semua investor. Namun, seseorang perlu memiliki keterampilan teknis yang cukup besar untuk menggunakannya sehingga ini bukan pilihan yang realistis bagi investor sehari-hari. Saya menyebutkannya disini karena sampai hari ini ini adalah cara tercepat untuk menginvestasikan uang Anda. Investasi API dijalankan bahkan sebelum investasi AQI. Jika Anda tidak memiliki keterampilan teknis, alat di bawah ini juga merupakan pilihan. 4. NSRPlatform (nsrplatform) Memiliki rangkaian lengkap alat yang berguna untuk investor Prosper. Ada fitur pengujian dan filter belakang yang memberikan ujung depan keseluruhan riwayat pinjaman Prosper yang dipecah berdasarkan tingkat pinjaman. Investor dapat menguji berbagai strategi penyaringan untuk menentukan hasil historis terbaik. Dengan menggunakan alat analisis portofolio mereka, investor dapat melakukan analisis terhadap portofolio Prosper mereka saat ini. NSR juga bisa digunakan untuk manajemen order dan otomasi. 5. LendingRobot (lendingrobot) LendingRobot memberikan eksekusi pesanan untuk Prosper dan memungkinkan Anda membuat filter untuk mempersempit kriteria investasi Anda. Selain investasi berbasis filter, mereka juga menawarkan pilihan otomatis sepenuhnya, yang akan berinvestasi dalam pinjaman untuk Anda berdasarkan pada apakah Anda mencari pendekatan investasi konservatif atau agresif. Mereka juga menyediakan data tentang sejarah pesanan, menjual sejarah dan memberikan perkiraan arus kas. 6. PeerCube (peercube) PeerCube berfokus pada analisis dan eksekusi order untuk Prosper. Dengan PeerCube, Anda dapat mengidentifikasi atribut pinjaman yang secara historis memberikan imbal hasil yang lebih tinggi dan melihat kinerja masa lalu. Melalui alat analisis mereka, Anda bisa melihat variabilitas kembali dan juga penampilan dengan vintage. Kesimpulan Pada bulan Januari 2013 Prosper menerima sejumlah besar dana yang dipimpin oleh Sequoia Capital. Pada saat bersamaan tim eksekutif baru dipasang. Tim baru ini telah dijalankan pada tingkat yang sangat tinggi dan ini menunjukkan pertumbuhan dramatis yang dialami Prosper sejak saat itu. Mereka telah mengumpulkan tambahan 165 juta dana. Yang nilai perusahaannya mencapai 1,7 miliar. Prosper adalah perusahaan yang kuat yang memberikan keuntungan besar bagi investor pinjaman p2p. Inilah sebabnya saya terus menginvestasikan uang saya sendiri. Jika Anda ingin mengambil risiko dan membuka rekening maka cukup klik link di kotak di bawah ini. Jauhi sejauh mungkin. Yang benar adalah makmur adalah yang terburuk dari peer to peer lender di ulasan internet karena suatu alasan. Topi pasar mereka tidak ada di mana dekat di mana Lending Club atau UpStart berada dan itu akan memberi tahu Anda semuanya di sana. Anda memiliki pangsa pasar yang besar saat perusahaan Anda berjalan dengan baik dan mengatakan kepada kliennya tentang kebenaran. Perusahaan ini tidak. Mereka melakukan segala kemungkinan untuk membuat Anda membocorkan banyak informasi pribadi yang bahkan tidak akan Anda perlukan untuk hipotek rumah tanpa bermaksud memberikan pinjaman kepada Anda dengan persyaratan yang bagus. Mereka juga tidak memberi tahu Anda bahwa jika Anda telah menerima penawaran lainnya dalam 30 hari terakhir, Anda akan didiskualifikasi secara otomatis selama minimal 30 hari. Saya takut bahwa SEMUA info pribadi yang telah saya tawarkan untuk menjadi makmur seperti yang diminta selama 8 hari terakhir sekarang ada di dunia maya yang hanya melayang-layang bagi siapa saja untuk melakukan penipuan identitas pada saya dan saya baru saja membuka diri terhadap email yang mengganggu, panggilan telepon Permintaan (2 di antaranya telah terjadi hari ini sendiri) dan bahkan kemungkinan adanya perampokan bersenjata yang kuat karena PROSPER sekarang mengetahui alamat STREET saya dan dapat menjualnya, memberikannya, atau bahkan bisa diretas kepada siapapun. Saya memiliki PO Box karena suatu alasan, yang telah diverifikasi oleh bank saya dan kreditur MAJOR lainnya selama 25 tahun terakhir dan alamat jalan TIDAK PERNAH diperlukan untuk verifikasi atas pinjaman lain selama 25 tahun terakhir. Informasi itu sudah masuk ke laporan agensi kredit Anda tentang Anda. Sekali lagi orang, tinggalkan diri dari perwakilan CS (Customer Service) manipulatif ini yang akan memberi tahu Anda APA SAJA yang perlu Anda dengar hanya agar Anda membocorkan info pribadi yang lebih tentang Anda. Dan kemudian, untuk menambahkan penghinaan pada cedera, pakaian ini benar-benar memiliki keberanian untuk menelepon sendiri BANK Anda dan menanyakan tentang Anda yang WAAAAAY di atas memverifikasi info rekening bank Anda melalui nomor perutean dan nomor rekening bank Anda. Saya sepenuhnya berniat untuk mengajukan keluhan kepada BBB juga. Mike, Jelas Anda sudah memiliki pengalaman buruk di sini dan saya minta maaf soal itu. Tapi ada beberapa hal: 1. Prosper bukanlah perusahaan publik sehingga Anda tidak tahu apa batas pasar mereka pada 8211 putaran dana terakhir mereka yang bernilai perusahaan pada 1,9 miliar. 2. Mereka memiliki standar keamanan TI yang sangat tinggi sehingga informasi Anda tidak terkumpul di dunia maya di suatu tempat.8221. Jelas jika semua orang memiliki pengalaman serupa dengan Anda, Prosper pasti sudah gulung tikar sejak lama. Saya telah mengambil pinjaman dengan Prosper sendiri (dua kali) dan telah menemukan prosesnya menjadi lancar dan tidak menyakitkan. Jelas bahwa Anda marah dengan keseluruhan proses di Prosper dan Anda pasti berhak atas pendapat tersebut. Saya harap Anda dapat menemukan pinjaman yang Anda butuhkan di tempat lain. Dave Harris mengatakan Selanjutnya, jika saya memahami narasi Mr. Hunt8217 dengan benar, pengalamannya adalah pengalaman dari Prosper, bukan investor. Sebagai investor terakreditasi dalam pinjaman Prosper, saya sangat puas dengan investasi saya di catatan Prosper. Gerald Pineda mengatakan Apakah ada biaya tahunan yang dibebankan kepada Prosper Saya pikir ketika saya membaca sesuatu melalui LendingClub bahwa ada biaya tahunan sebesar 100 jika jumlah minimum 5000 atau lebih tidak terpenuhi. Meskipun sudah lama sejak saya membaca tentang itu. Tidak ada biaya tahunan kecuali untuk akun IRA dan biaya tersebut dibebankan oleh kustodian (Prosper akan menutupinya jika Anda memiliki investasi lebih dari 10K). Tapi Prosper mengeluarkan biaya servis kecil dengan setiap pembayaran peminjam. Hai. Saya telah menjadi pelanggan Prosper (saya sama sekali tidak memiliki insentif untuk menulis ulasan ini) selama beberapa tahun sekarang dan saya membaca banyak informasi aneh. Saya tidak memiliki pengalaman bagus dengan Prosper. Seorang teman menyarankan agar saya melihat ke Prosper and Lending Club dan hanya merasa seperti antarmuka Prosper yang sedikit user friendly dan benar-benar melihat banyak perbedaan dalam hal apa yang mereka berdua tawarkan 8211 pinjaman peer-to-peer. Saya membuat filter yang mencari saya percaya pinjaman AA 8211 C dan segera menemukan keseluruhan peluang. Saya berbicara dengan penasihat Prosper sebelum berinvestasi dan dia mengatakan untuk berinvestasi di saya percaya setidaknya ada 11 pinjaman. Seperti yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya, Anda ingin menyebarkan risiko dan melakukan diversifikasi dengan banyak pinjaman, jadi jika satu atau dua defaultnya tidak memberikan dampak signifikan pada keseluruhan investasi Anda. Satu hal yang perlu Anda waspadai 8211 UANG TIDAK DAPATKAN. Begitu Anda berinvestasi di nomor 8220note8221 (yang berarti istilah mereka) Anda terkunci selama masa pinjaman seperti CD. Seperti juga disebutkan, Anda mendapatkan pembayaran dan bunga di akun Anda yang hebat, namun sebagian besar uang tidak dapat diakses kecuali jika Anda mencoba menjual catatan di pasar. Saya mengalami kesulitan keuangan dan perlu menjual beberapa catatan yang bisa saya lakukan dengan pinjaman bunga yang lebih tinggi namun banyak dari mereka tidak menjual. Sebenarnya tidak ada risiko untuk mencoba menjualnya, tapi jangan mengandalkannya. Tapi secara keseluruhan saya menganggapnya sebagai pengalaman yang baik begitu saya benar-benar mengerti apa yang telah saya hadapi. Saya pasti akan mempertimbangkan pinjaman peer-to-peer sebagai bagian bagus dari keseluruhan gabungan investasi Anda apakah Anda memutuskan untuk pergi dengan Prosper atau Lending Club. Terima kasih atas komentar anda Hanya beberapa poin. Menurut saya, 11 pinjaman terlalu sedikit untuk didiversifikasi dengan benar. Saya selalu merekomendasikan setidaknya 100 pinjaman dan sebaiknya 200 pinjaman. Dengan cara ini satu default tidak akan memiliki dampak dramatis pada pengembalian Anda. Juga, investasi ini sangat berbeda dengan CD karena Anda mendapatkan pembayaran pokok dan bunga bulanan sehingga Anda tidak perlu menunggu sampai akhir masa pinjaman untuk mengembalikan semua uang Anda. Dan Braunstein mengatakan Hai. Mungkin sudah dua puluh orang mengatakan kepada saya tapi tidak ada tempat di dekat 200 pinjaman dan dia adalah karyawan Prosper. Saya kira jika Anda memiliki banyak uang untuk diinvestasikan tapi saya memulai dari kecil jadi saya benar-benar tidak punya pilihan itu. Ketika saya mengatakan bahwa saya tidak bisa menarik sebagian atau keseluruhan jumlah sekaligus, setidaknya itulah yang saya lihat. Dan, Anda bisa menempatkan pinjaman Anda untuk dijual di platform trading sehingga investasinya agak likuid. Tidak jadi lagi Saya menemukan hari ini bahwa saya tidak lagi memiliki pilihan untuk menjual catatan saya. Saya terjebak dengan investasi saya sampai jatuh tempo. Ini tidak terjadi ketika saya mulai berinvestasi di Prosper 2 tahun yang lalu. Aturannya telah berubah, dan saya untuk satu, saya sama sekali tidak senang karena saya tidak dapat lagi menutup akun saya, dan mengeluarkan uang tunai saya. Itu benar sekali. Pada bulan September Prosper mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan menutup pasar sekunder mereka. Kami menulis tentang hal ini di sini: lendacademyprosper-closing-secondary-market-retail-investors Prosper sekarang membeli dan memegang investasi. Ingatlah bahwa Anda melakukan pembayaran pokok dan bunga kembali setiap bulan. Terima kasih Peter, Sebelum melakukan investasi apa pun, saya mempertimbangkan strategi saya yang benar8221 jika saya ingin menarik dana saya dari Prosper. Pada tahun 2014 ketika saya mulai berinvestasi di Prosper, pilihan untuk menjual catatan saya tersedia. Karena pilihan itu telah dihapus, saya menganggapnya sebagai pengkhianatan terhadap investor yang lebih tua. Anda telah mengubah peraturan, dan fakta ini masuk ke semua orang yang menanyakan bagaimana akun P-2-P saya berhasil. Saya tinggal di Wisconsin dan saya bertanya-tanya apakah saya membutuhkan penghasilan kotor 70.000 yang saya lihat tapi tidak mengatakan apapun tentang Wisconsin. Banyak investasi alternatif memiliki peraturan 70.000 ini dan bukan hanya untuk Wisconsin, ini berlaku untuk negara bagian manapun. Secara pribadi, saya tidak suka tapi itu aturannya. Apakah penduduk negara bagian Pennsylvania mengizinkan untuk membuka rekening investasi yang makmur Jika iya apa persyaratan dari negara untuk melakukannya maka saya minta maaf tapi PA bukan salah satu negara yang saat ini diperbolehkan untuk investor di Prosper. Lihat di sini: Kepatuhan hukum Peter, saya penasaran dengan strategi alokasi Market Mix yang baru. Setelah melihat posting Anda tentang preferensi Anda untuk pinjaman berisiko tinggi sebagai strategi investasi, apakah menurut Anda ini cukup beragam untuk investor rata-rata Tod, saya telah beralih dari fokus hanya pada pinjaman berisiko tinggi. Sekarang saya memiliki pilihan yang lebih beragam yang mencakup banyak risiko pinjaman yang lebih rendah. Setiap orang perlu menilai toleransi risiko mereka dan memutuskan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk diri mereka sendiri, tetapi saya telah membuat langkah ini untuk lebih melindungi portofolio saya jika terjadi resesi. Dear sirmadam: Saya adalah seorang PH. D dari universitas teknologi Xi8217an bidang penelitian China. My adalah perbankan Internet. Saya sedang menyelidiki platform pinjaman P2P. Saya mencoba mendapatkan beberapa data kuartalan sejak 2009 tentang Prosper. Seperti pendapatan, jumlah aset, jumlah karyawan, biaya, tingkat pinjaman anggota pinjaman, jumlah peminjam, bunga rata-rata, rata-rata tingkat persentase rata-rata, komitmen pendanaan tahunan, dan tingkat biaya layanan, biaya transaksi tarif yang dihitung berdasarkan tingkat pinjaman. Tapi bagaimana saya bisa memberi saya tangan? Kotak email saya: zuohanchensina Anda dapat menemukan informasi mengenai pinjaman di NSR: nsrplatform Angka pendapatan dan data spesifik perusahaan lainnya dapat Anda temukan di laporan kuartal tiga Prosper8217: prosperprospectus I8217m penasaran dengan berapa persentase daftar pinjaman di keseluruhan platform vs. fraksional. Dari pengalaman pribadi, tentu tampak bahwa daftar catatan catatan di seluruh platform, atau paling tidak mereka daftar di sana terlebih dahulu. Mengapa saya mengatakan itu Yah, karena saya mengenal orang-orang yang telah mengajukan pinjaman untuk Prosper, yang menerima ID cantuman, dan untuk siapa ID cantuman mereka tidak pernah muncul di platform pecahan. Dalam sebagian besar kasus, orang-orang ini memiliki kredit yang besar dan beberapa telah menerima pemberitahuan bahwa dana mereka sedang dalam perjalanan beberapa menit setelah diberitahu bahwa pinjaman mereka telah terdaftar. Menambah fakta bahwa, pada suatu waktu, hanya ada beberapa ratus pinjaman pecahan yang terdaftar8230 dan sepertinya kita pasti tidak mendapatkan krim hasil panennya, jadi untuk berbicara. Apakah Anda memiliki beberapa pengertian tentang metrik apa yang digunakan untuk menentukan platform mana yang akan dicantumkan oleh catatan Thomas Thomas, Sementara saya tidak tahu persis persentase Prosper sekarang didominasi oleh investor institusional dan telah lama berjalan. Jika saya harus menebak, saya akan mengatakan sekitar 95 pinjaman kepada investor institusional. Tapi saya ingin menunjukkan ini tidak berarti investor ritel mendapatkan sisa makanannya. Pinjaman dibagi secara acak antara investor ritel dan institusi, hanya saja kolam ritel mendapat alokasi pinjaman kecil. Tinggalkan Balasan Batal replyLending Club Review for New Investors Editors note: Review ini berisi beberapa link ke Lending Club yang merupakan link afiliasi. Jika Anda membuka akun melalui salah satu tautan ini maka blog akan mendapat komisi kecil dari Lending Club. Pemilik blog ini menjadi investor Klub Lending sejak 2009 dan memiliki lebih dari 300.000 yang diinvestasikan ke rekening kena pajak dan IRA. Anda dapat melihat akun pinjaman Peters p2p dan kembali ke sini. Kajian ini terakhir diperbaharui pada bulan Juni 2015. Lending Club adalah pemimpin dunia dalam pinjaman p2p yang telah mengeluarkan pinjaman lebih dari 9 miliar dolar sejak mereka memulai tahun 2007. Pertumbuhan mereka meningkat lebih dari 150 tahun. Mengapa mereka begitu sukses Mereka memberikan keuntungan yang sangat baik bagi investor dan mereka membiarkan akses cepat ke dana dengan suku bunga yang kompetitif untuk peminjam. Sebelum Anda Mulai Berinvestasi Beberapa investor membaca tentang Klub Pemberian Pinjaman dan menyelam tepat di. Tetapi investor cerdas melakukan beberapa penelitian. Artikel ini akan memberikan semua informasi yang dibutuhkan investor baru untuk memulai. Untuk membantu Anda mengetahui platform Lending Club, saya telah merekam video singkat. Video ini memberikan pengantar antarmuka Lending Club dan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menginvestasikan pinjaman p2p ini. Sebelum memulai, Anda perlu mempertimbangkan apakah Anda berhak untuk berinvestasi. Untuk berinvestasi di Lending Club Anda harus memenuhi beberapa persyaratan: Harus berusia minimal 18 tahun dan memiliki nomor jaminan sosial yang valid. Miliki pendapatan kotor tahunan minimal 70.000 dan kekayaan bersih (tidak termasuk rumah, perabotan rumah dan mobil) minimal 70.000 atau kekayaan bersih minimal 250.000 (dengan pengecualian yang sama). Warga California dan Kentucky memiliki persyaratan nilai bersih yang sedikit berbeda. Bertempat di salah satu negara yang disetujui: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, dan Wyoming. (Ada pilihan untuk orang-orang yang tinggal di beberapa negara bagian lain yang dapat Anda investasikan melalui platform perdagangan Lending Club). Dengan IPO Lending Club baru-baru ini, ada kemungkinan catatan pembayaran-dependensi ini tersedia bagi investor di seluruh 50 negara bagian. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang topik ini di sini. Anda hanya diizinkan untuk membeli catatan sampai 10 dari kekayaan bersih Anda. Aturan kelayakan berubah dari waktu ke waktu sehingga Anda harus segera memeriksa situs web Lending Clubs paling lambat. Apa Resiko Setiap investor harus mempertimbangkan risiko investasi sebelum melakukan uang mereka. Berinvestasi dengan pinjaman p2p memiliki sejumlah risiko: Peminjam gagal membayar pinjaman tanpa jaminan sehingga investor memiliki sedikit jalan lain jika peminjam memutuskan untuk tidak membayar. Tingkat default tahunan di semua kelas di Lending Club sekitar 6 atau 7 dengan peminjam berisiko tinggi memiliki tingkat kegagalan yang lebih tinggi. Lending Club kebangkrutan Ini adalah risiko yang jauh lebih kecil hari ini daripada beberapa tahun yang lalu karena Lending Club menghasilkan uang dan telah memiliki arus masuk uang dengan IPO baru-baru ini. Tapi risikonya akan selalu ada. Jika tidak terjadi kebangkrutan, ada servicer pinjaman cadangan yang akan mengambil alih servis pinjaman tapi kemungkinan akan ada gangguan dan investor bisa kehilangan sebagian pokok pinjaman. Risiko suku bunga jangka waktu pinjaman tiga atau lima tahun jadi selama ini suku bunga bisa meningkat secara substansial. Jika investasi yang diasuransikan FDIC dibayarkan 6, investasi di pinjaman Klub Pinjaman di 7 bukan investasi terbaik. Diversifikasi pinjaman yang buruk banyak investor baru terjebak dalam perangkap ini. Mereka tidak memanfaatkan 25 investasi minimum. Jika Anda menginvestasikan 20 pinjaman pada 250 Anda menjalankan risiko yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada jika Anda menginvestasikan 200 pinjaman pada usia 25 tahun. Jika Anda hanya memiliki 20 pinjaman, satu default dapat menghapus sebagian besar keuntungan Anda. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang diversifikasi portofolio dasar dan kemudian membaca analisis statistik tentang diversifikasi pinjaman p2p. Liquidity risk There is a secondary market on Lending Club where loans can be sold but if you need to liquidate your entire investment you will likely lose some principal in the process. Market-wide event or recession While p2p lending has been around since the latest recession in 2008, the asset class still remains untested when platforms were originating significant volumes. In a recession, defaults will increase and thus will result in a decrease in investor returns. How it Works Peer to peer lending at Lending Club is a very simple process. It begins with the borrower. They apply for a loan and if they meet certain criteria (such as a minimum 660 FICO score) their loan is added to Lending Clubs online platform. Investors can browse the loans on the platform and build a portfolio of loans. The minimum investment an investor can make is just 25 per loan. Each portion of a loan is called a note and smart investors build a portfolio of notes to spread their risk among many borrowers. Lending Club will perform some level of verification on every borrower. As this verification process is happening investors can be funding portions of the loans. If the borrower passes verification the loan is approved for investors and will be issued to the borrower if fully funded. If the borrower fails verification the loan will not be issued. It will be deleted from the platform and all money that had been invested will be returned to the respective investors. A loan can stay on the platform for up to 14 days. Most loans are funded much quicker than that and once funded the loan will be deleted from the platform. Approved borrowers will receive their money (less an origination fee) in just a couple of business days once funding is complete and then begin making payments within 30 days. These payments will be for principal plus interest on a standard amortization schedule. Explanation of loan grades Lending Club categorizes borrowers into seven different loan grades: A through G. Within each loan grade there are five sub-grades meaning there are 35 total loan grades for borrowers from A1 down to G5. Where a borrower is graded depends on many factors the most important of which is the data held in the borrowers credit report. The better credit history a borrower has the better their loan grade with the very best borrowers receiving an A1 grade, which carries the lowest interest rate. Lending Club will pull the latest credit report for every borrower and take the data held in that report and other factors such as loan amount and loan term to determine the interest rate. Lending Club provides more information on their Interest Rates and How We Set Them page on their site. Learn more about the Lending Club borrower experience in this video where I apply for a Lending Club loan. Starting to Invest Some investors like to consider every loan individually while others want to put their money to work quickly. Both are possible at Lending Club. Automated Loan Picking If the thought of choosing selection criteria or wading through hundreds of loans is overwhelming Lending Club makes it very easy to put your money to work quickly. When you click on Portfolio Builder on the main account page you are presented with three options. Once you click on one of these options the tool will then build a portfolio based on your selections. Option 1, the low risk option will invest in mainly A and B grade loans. Option 2 will invest primarily in B and C grade loans with some A and some D grade loans as well. Option 3 invests in C, D, E and F grade loans. If these three options are too restrictive there is a fourth option. The More Options button allows you to choose the exact target interest rate you would like and then it invests in the available loans that match your chosen rate. Selecting Loans Manually When you click the Browse Loans link from the Lending Club Accounts screen you are presented with all available loans as you can see in the screenshot above. There are typically somewhere between 300 and 500 loans available at any one time. When you click on a loan you are presented with the details for that borrower. A loan listing contains five different types of information to enable investors to make an informed decision whether to invest or not. The loan details there is information about the loan itself such as the loan grade, loan purpose, interest rate, monthly payments, loan length and funding information. Borrower details while personally identifying details such as name, address and social security number are withheld from investors, information such as job title, gross income and location (first 3 digits of zip code and state) are included. Credit information Lending Club pulls a complete credit report during the application process and shares much of this information, such as credit score range, delinquencies and credit line details, with investors. When investing manually investors can decide to lend any amount in multiples of 25. This can be done by just checking a box next to each loan and then clicking the Add to Order button. Then with just three more clicks the investor can complete the order. Reading the details of hundreds of available loans could easily become a full-time job. So, Lending Club provides loan filters where investors can choose to look at only those loans that are of interest. There are over 30 different criteria to choose from typical filters are interest rates (presented as loan grades), loan terms (36 or 60 month loans), loan purpose, length of employment, loan size and credit score. By utilizing these filters investors can create a more manageable list of loans to consider. So how do you know where to start filtering loans You can use one of the third party tools listed below to analyze the loan history or you can start with my simple p2p lending investing strategy . You can filter the loans on Lending Clubs website and save the filters you create or you can download a CSV file from the Browse Notes screen. Some investors prefer this method so they can run their own loan filtering in Excel. Every loan contains a unique URL that allows for easy investing with just a copy and paste from Excel. The Importance of Being Quick In 2013 the environment changed for investors at Lending Club. It became a lot more competitive and loans became fully invested very quickly, sometimes in a matter of seconds. If you want the best selection of loans you should login right when new loans are being added to the platform. Currently, new loans are added at 6am, 10am, 2pm, and 6pm Pacific Time seven days a week. By logging in within a couple of minutes of those appointed times you will get the best selection of loans. But be quick. Within minutes many of the loans have been fully invested and have therefore disappeared from the platform. While Lending Club provides some analysis of investor portfolios they also provide their entire loan history for download. But you dont have to do this analysis yourself. Luckily, an entire data analysis eco-system has been created around Lending Club that provides a great deal of information to investors. Since the entire loan history is available for public download some enterprising investors have created a way to query this data and back test various investment strategies. NSRPlatform (nsrplatform ) Has a complete suite of useful tools for Lending Club investors. There is a back testing and filter feature that provides a front end to the entire loan history of Lending Club broken down by loan grade. Investors can test various filtering strategies to determine the best historical returns. Investors can also upload their own Lending Club portfolio for analysis. NSR can also be used for order management and automation. LendingRobot (lendingrobot ) LendingRobot provides order execution for Lending Club and allows you to create filters to narrow your investment criteria. Besides filter based investing, they also offer a fully automated selection, which will invest in loans for you based on whether you seek a conservative or aggressive investment approach. They also provide data on order history, sell history and provide a cash-flow forecast. PeerCube (peercubelc ) PeerCube has two main functions. It provides an alternative to the Browse Notes section of Lending Club allowing investors to run more sophisticated filters. Then in just one click investors are taken to the Lending Club site to complete an investment on the loan. There is also a Portfolio Upload section where PeerCube provides analysis of an investor8217s portfolio. BlueVestment (bluevestment ) BlueVestment specializes in automation for LendingClub. Through BlueVestment, users can create their own filter criteria using 22 attributes and also create advanced filters using the node builder. From there, the strategy can be added to a Lending Club account for automation. For a complete look at all of the p2p automation and analytics sites, view our comprehensive two part series on the topic. Lending Club also offers its own Automated Investing service, available within LendingClub. This can be found in Automated Investing tab after you login to your account. The service is free to use, but does require an account minimum of 2,500. Users of this service can select investment criteria, which are then executed up to four times per day as loans are listed on the platform. Conclusion Lending Club is the largest and most successful p2p lender in the world. They have a long track record now of providing excellent returns to investors. This is why I have over 100,000 of my own money invested in Lending Club and continue to add to that amount. If you want to take the plunge and open an account then just click the link in the box below. I have a question. How could someone with less than 5000 invest in Lending Club, if one of the requirements states that you have to have a net worth of 70000 I live in Kentucky and understand that here we have a different standard for investing in Lending Club. But I8217ve read here that you are giving and advice for someone who has not the 70000 net worth It is true that the net worth requirements are 70,000 for most states although Kentucky has the additional requirement of all investors needing to be accredited investors. Lending Club places a maximum of 10 of an individual8217s liquid net worth be placed with Lending Club. So, if you do only have a liquid net worth of 5,000 then unfortunately you do not qualify to invest in Lending Club. Thanks for you answer. But, I don8217t see the point. Why should some persons be banned from investing as a way to increase their net worth, just because they have not reached certain amount The real reason is protection from lawsuits I believe. They (Lending Club and Prosper) don8217t want unsophisticated investors putting their life savings into a single loan and then having that loan default. The investor loses everything and then decides to sue the company. I8217m still not understanding the 70K minimum. If someone makes 50K a year they would still be limited by the 10 rule. 70K seems arbitrary. Other investments are available to people with much lower incomes. I agree that it does seem kind of arbitrary but 70k is the number that the North American Securities Administrators Association recommends for alternative investments. Additionally there is at least one state that specifically calls out 70k as its requirement. Lending Club does not verify any information from lenders. Just put down that you make 250k a year and you8217re set. Terima kasih lagi. Yes, there is certain logic on that. Do you know what if any penalties exist for ignoring the required minimum gross income I personally think there is little logic involved. It is my money. Nobody would stop me from flying to Vegas tomorrow and dropping 150 or my net worth (assuming I decided to also go into credit card debt) in slots. I also don8217t think people who make less then 70,000 have crashed the global economy. I8217m interested because I am attracted to the idea of higher returns while also circumventing cc companies and not investing via the stock marketindex funds in multi-national corporations that I fundamentally disagree with on a moral level, even if it is the standard way to save for retirement. I have never heard of any penalties being levied for any investor who does not meet the income suitability requirements. Personally, I think the income requirement is silly, because as you point out, there are plenty of ways for irresponsible people to lose their money. But those are the standards set forth by Lending Club. Hey Peter Renton, What do you think the worst that could happen would be if somebody didn8217t follow the minimum gross income requirement Every investor must meet Lending Club8217s requirements, if they find you in violation of these requirements they could close your account. But given these are three and five year loans it would take a while for this process to complete. I don8217t think Lending Club could or would confiscate the money in your account. Larry Berman says I am sure you are correct, Peter. It would be as if a person lied on a loan application. So long as the loan is being paid on time, instead of attempting to get you for fraud, the lender would most likely ask for the loan to be paid in full and then close it. Or in some cases, they would keep it going while the loan is in good standing. LendingClub could forbid the person from buying pieces of new loans, but I doubt if they would do much of anything else. Thats not only silly, it is irritating because in my case I have to overcome not only Lending Clubs requirements, but also Kentuckys own requirements. I believe this is an unfair way to keep you out of the potential wealth you can reach by investing you own money in a smart way. I completely agree with you. Hopefully the rules will change as Lending Club and p2p lending becomes more mainstream. Totally agree with you, it is unfair. every new financial instrument will be pressured by government, financial companies they dont want average Joe like us to share a pie of lending industries. Bit-coin is an example of such causality. But we can always go around that and keep pushing. For example, I just open a brokerage account with TD Ameritrade which is not what I really wanted to do, but it is a starting point. I hope Im going to be able to fool Lending Club in the future. You should try stocks, that PTD rule is stupid. You have to have of money to make money. That is government for you. Isn8217t it an SEC mandate Therefore a government restriction As Pavel pointed out, this is another way of excluding those with out a large amount of capital from getting more, much like corporate taxes loopholes ect. So it8217s not Lending Club that8217s exclusive, but a law they must follow So if it is a law, then words like silly (A man must not water his mule in town on a Sunday is silly) are not up to the task. I think a case could be made for discrimination based on economic status. The government is making decisions for me and excluding me from opportunities allowed to others for no other reason then to protect me and making the assumption I need their protection (Isn8217t that the nanny state that the GOP is so worried about) I think it would be interesting to go to court over this issue, catch some jail time and point out the discrepancy of the consequences, for both the lender (jail time, fines I don8217t know) and the statenation (some tiny gains in tax dollars) vs the difference in the consequences when a major bank almost ruins a global economy but doesn8217t even go to trial. My understanding is that it is not an SEC mandate or any kind of law but rather guidelines issued by the NASAA (nasaa. org ). In which case jail time would not be a possibility. john anderson says I have been investing since 2007 and i have a moderate return and few defaults on LC in comparison to Prosper but i was a bit more risky there when i started in 2007. I started before there was a income minimum. John Anderson says And things are going well even with defaults. I have been more conservative and stayed away from high interest loans that made up the bulk of my defaults. I now reinvest the payments received. Thanks for the update John. Been involved with Lending Club investing for over two years. We started out small, using IRA money, and are up to about 80K. I never put more than 25 into a note (we have over 3000 of them) and usually stick to the moderately high risk loans (C amp D). We are averaging about 8.5 return on our investment, so it8217s working out for us. There have been thousands in charge-offs, but it8217s just part of the game 8211 you can8217t take it personally. One thing to remember is unless you pick their automatic 8220prime8221 service, this is an investment that requires tending. Payments come in every day and at my level of investment, I get about 200 in cash per day in my account. I learned not to let this build up, but to reinvest this as quickly as possible 8211 it8217s much easier to find 8 good notes in a day than it is to find 24 of them after three days. We haven8217t used the secondary market because it8217s just too much work for me to learn about 8211 I8217m happy with LC, and if you approach it with the right attitude, you can be, too. Hi, Can you please help me with any advice and ways to invest. What right steps do I need to take and investments strategy I am in need of making some extra money to help my parents. Terima kasih atas waktu Anda. Kevin Your comment was helpful. I have a question for you and all investors8230 I currently stick with A notes (irrelvant to my question) because they are safer and i8217m feeling out lending club, but what description types, credit scores, jobs do you all typically stick with as 8220trustworthy8221 loan types Please help me understand this statement: 82202.Have an annual gross income of at least 70,000 and a net worth (not including home, home furnishings and cars) 8221 I understand I will NOT include the value of home and cars in calculating my NW for this calculation8230 do I include the notes against them Hi Brad, For the 70,000 net worth calculation you completely ignore the value of your home, car, etc. and you also ignore any loans you have taken against them. The restrictions are bull. If someone wants to invest they should be given adequate subject material and told to ensure they understand it before investing. Ex a brokerage account and want to trade options 8211 you fill out extra paperwork saying you read this pamphlet they provide on the characteristics and risks in options, and pass income net worth requirements. You sign, they 8216review8217, and, at least in my experience, approve you. The point is 8211 they just want the signatures as legal protection from you suing if you start doing things without knowing whats happening and lose all your money then think you can sue. How do they even check into this stuff I really dont think they do (they haven8217t said anything to me or all the folks I know who ignore these BS rules 8211 but learned what we are putting our money into 1st). Just make sure you know the risks 8211 then just smile and nod8230mmhhhmmm, yup, sure, whatever you say government shill crooked political scum big business executive slimeball rip-off bottom feeder governmental politicians and reps (i. e. SEC, IRS, FDA), lawyers (aka private politicians), big businesscorporations 8211 they are almost ALL CORRUPT lining their own pockets at everyone else8217s expense and healthsafety8230 I dont presume to know the best solution on how to run a society but I do know that this 8211 Russia, China, UK, USA 8211 is NOT it. So I quietly take advantage of every big company, every politician, every lawyer, judge, tax collector, loophole, error, etc8230.that I can. Work the system, take what should be yours. No one is going to give it to you without high cost 8211 visible or not. But please 8211 dont abuse your fellow common man. You know who they are. Go after the strong, nipping at their fat, bulbous sides not the weak and downtrodden, devouring them whole, bones and all. Wow, B Serious, that is quite the tirade. Yes, I agree that the restrictions are silly but I don8217t think they are indicative of a decline in civilized society as you imply here. Any idea what kinds of debt are used in the 70k net value calculation I8217m specifically interested in student loan debt. Austo, Lending Club does not state how the net worth number is calculated. This is from their online help: Investors who are residents of states other than California or Kentucky must have (a) an annual gross income of at least 70,000 and a net worth (exclusive of home, home furnishings and automobile) of at least 70,000. My sense is that student loan debt should be subtracted from your net worth calculation because it is a liability. But they do not verify this information 8211 you just agree it is true when you sign up as an investor. I live in California, I wonder if I would be in violation if I didn8217t meet the 70k income requirement for Lending club and 85k income requirement for Prosper. Since they both have different income requirements, I am wondering if I would be in violation if I tried investing 2,500 for Lending club and another 2,500 in Prosper. I tried asking a Lending club and they told me they have a different platform and didn8217t know the rules for Prosper. Here are the official terms from Prosper8217s site: For individual investors who are residents of California: For California investors who purchase 2,500 or less in Notes, your investment must not exceed 10 of your net worth. To purchase more than 2,500 of Notes, a California investor member8217s investment must not exceed 10 of his or her net worth, and either: (1) the investor member must have had a minimum gross income of 85,000 during the last tax year and will have (based on a good faith belief) minimum gross income of 85,000 during the current tax year or (2) the investor member must have a minimum net worth, (exclusive of homes, home furnishings, and automobiles,) of 200,000. Assets included in the computation of net worth shall be valued at not more than fair market value. So, as long as 2,500 does not exceed 10 of your net worth you will be fine. And Jason would ALSO need 85k gross or 200k net worth. So he wouldn8217t technically be eligible. I just discovered p2p lending investment. My question is how do you calculate the break even point At what point you have recovered the principle through the monthly payment Suppose you invest 25 on a note that returns 5 for a term of 36 month. At what point would you recover that 25 Before I commit to this I want to be able to figure out on any particular note how long before I reach the break even point once I start receive payment (principle int). Also the other consideration is the taxes. I noticed that it would give you 1099 and the tax is taxed at ordinary income rate. Suppose you have a hundred notes, do they give you the consolidated form so all you need is to check the total Would they mail you the 1099 or that information is stored online Also what happens if a note defaults Will there be a way to claim a loss to offset the tax Hi Ben, In answer to your first question, you can easily figure out the payback based on standard amortization schedules. You can learn more by reading this post: lendacademydo-you-understand-how-interest-is-calculated-on-p2p-loans You will typically make a profit on your investment on a 36-month sometime in the third year 8211 early in the third year for higher interest loans. You will get a consolidated 1099 form that is available for download online. Lending Club will send you an email when it is ready to download. It seems LC8217s recent influx of institutional money is contrary to their original intent. Do you think there will be a point at which the institutional money will take up all the loans and push out the individual investor andor force them into more readily available, lower grade notes RB, Lending Club has said repeatedly that they want both retail and institutional investors on their platform. They have created separate platforms, a fractional pool and a whole loan pool for each class of investor with a random allocation of loans going to each platform. While it is true the higher interest loans are in more demand there are still plenty available on Lending Club today for retail investors. David Sell says Automated Investing tool was a disappointment. While my notes were supposed to be 11.88 weighted in the 8220C8221 category 8211 my first 12 notes were 100 8211 C. No other category. I8217ve suspended the automatic function until that8217s resolved. No way to really talk to anyone at LC or ask questions. Suppose that8217s how they keep the costs at a minimum. David, My feeling is that you gave up too soon. Lending Club8217s automated investing is very sophisticated and will seek to hit the goals over the long run. But it also has to balance what is available in loan inventory over the short term. But over a period of months I have found it to be an excellent service. As for getting someone at LC on the phone, I am surprised you have had some issues there. You should be able to get someone on the phone easily. If you are still not getting a response send me an email through the Contact Us page on this site and I will follow up for you. David Sell says Thanks, I8217ve got an inquiry in now, and they should be responding in a reasonable time. Your answer makes sense, tho, and I8217ll keep the auto turned on to give it a chance. Great post with lots of clearly explained answers. Question 8211 if you had to pick Lending Club or Prosper to be an investor, which one would you choose Are there any distinct advantagesdisadvantages between the two platforms Thanks, Brian Hi Brian, While I recommend serious investors open accounts at both Lending Club and Prosper, I think Lending Club is a great place to start. They have a broader selection of loans and better automation tools than Prosper. The one advantage of Prosper right now is that they have better filtering that allows investor to get more granular in their selections. Good synopsis of LendingClub, Peter. I have a question: LendingClub provides a 1099 that states the interest generated by one8217s investment in notes. This is sent to the IRS. They also provide the lender the associated writeoffs and defaults. This is not sent to the IRS. Common sense tells me to net one against the other, but if I report lower interest than that stated on the 1099, my return might be pulled for audit. If I show it as a loss on Schedule D, then if I have prior losses to carry over, I can only write off 3,000 per year. Finally, I could write these off on itemized deductions under Misc. deductions. That would in effect be netting the defaults against interest earned. Can you provide any input on this I realize you8217re not giving advice as a CPA, but I was wondering how you suggest to handle this matter. Terima kasih. Hi Larry, You should read my tax post 8211 this will help you understand the tax reporting challenges: lendacademylending-club-prosper-tax-information-2014 I left you a mesaage on the lender8217s section of your site, but I8217m not sure if you got it. My question was about the differences between personal loans and business loans with Lending Club. I would like to know which one is more convinient or what are the requirements for taking out a business loan. I don8217t want to interrupt the topic of this post, my e-mail is pavelpvrvgmail. Terima kasih sebelumnya. The key difference between a Lending Club business loan and a personal loan on Lending Club used for business purposes is that a personal loan uses only your personal credit to qualify for the loan. No company financials are used to make an underwriting decision for a personal loan. Here is quick summary of the differences: Business Loan From 15,000 to 100,000 loan amount Must have been in business 2 years Must own 20 or more of the business Can do 1,2,3 and 5 year loans Personal Loan (used for business purposes) Up to 35,000 Can be a startup business 8211 business history is irrelevant. Can do 3 or 5 year loans While I have not seen a direct interest rate comparison between these two kinds of loans by sense is that if you have a successful and profitable small business you will likely get a lower rate with a business loan than a personal loan. If I were you I would apply for both loans and see what you get. It won8217t hurt your credit score. If you do that be sure to let us know how you go. Can I withdraw a note or resell it in LendingClub If a note defaults, what can we do to get the money back, or just doing nothing In your experiences, in what period a note starts default payment most likely If you have a taxable account (non-IRA) you can sell any note on the Folio trading platform. But if a loan defaults there is nothing you can do about it. You have to rely on Lending Club8217s collections team to pursue it for you. A lot has been written about defaults 8211 they tend to peak between months 10-16 but there are some defaults at all stages during the life of the loans. I heard Lending Club launch its IPO. But when I searched the date and how and where I will able to buy their stocks, I found only few general information, like, they filed SEC that they will sell their stocks at NYSE. If you anyone knows the date of IPO, and any other detailed information for anyone who is interested in buying their stock, please share. Lending Club has not completed their IPO yet. It is supposed to happen before the end of the year. I will be covering this in detail on Lend Academy as soon as more news becomes available. Thank you, Peter. Question, so I8217ve done lending club for about 9 months now and are fairly happy with the returns so far, but I am at a cross road here. I have 15k to invest and I won8217t have time to actively manage it while I enter grade school this spring, I don8217t want the money to simply sit, but it would be nice if i could get a great return over the next couple of years. Should I invest the 15k in lending club or do you think it would be best to put the money into stocks while I8217m finishing up school. Hi Mark, And while I can8217t give investment advice in a public forum like this I am happy to provide some feedback. Lending Club has an automated investment tool that is very easy to setup and provides a hands-off approach. As for comparing Lending Club to the stock market, I am only putting new money to work in P2P lending but that is an individual decision that will be different for everyone. Lending Club is great but I believe you can get a better return elsewhere and not have to think twice about what your net worth is. I8217m part of a club that is currently earning over 26 net with Lending Club and can prove it, it8217s only one part of our assets that is generating great returns. Is that 26 per year or per note Dario, A 26 return is very impressive although you don8217t mention how long your account has been open. A 26 annualized return after 3 months is very different from that same return after two years. There are some investors on the Lend Academy Forum who earn returns even higher than that. I know it is possible, but only by playing in the secondary market. And the arbitrage opportunity there is getting more difficult. Hi Peter, first of all, thanks for the wealth of information given on this site. I am wondering how I could go about using a Roth IRA for lending. Do I need to go through a Self Directed IRA third party to help me with that Or would I be able to have a Roth in a bank account and use the account and routing number to transfer funds into Lending Club. There are strict rules about Roth IRAs but I know you can do a rollover from your existing account into Lending Club. But you will need to open an account at an approved Lending Club IRA custodian. Their preferred provider is SD IRA Services, Inc. You should call Lending Club with specific questions 8211 they have an entire team of retirement account specialists that can help with this process. can u invest in the loans for shorter terms. or do you have to invest for the whole life of the loan. Yes, you can start investing with just 500 but you will not be very diversified. You should read this post before making any moves: lendacademyhow-to-invest-500-in-p2p-lending Lending club is shaving more money across the board that people can8217t even imagine. I have recieved a loan from them and also was looking for another after I paid it off. My score is well above 710 and they were offering me 16 interest. Recently I got into the investing side of lending club but the interest rate they show for typical FICO scores is lower to the investor than what the actual rate is being offered to the customer. So in my case the loan to the customer is 16 but the rate offered to the investor is 12.99. They are keeping 3 of the interest rate along with all the fees they charge investors. How do I know, cause I saw my loan on the as a customer and investor. I made special remarks in the application that were easily identifiable to me on the investor side. It8217s highway back door robbery to investors and customers Ted, I think you are confusing APR (Annual Percentage Rate) with interest rate. I have taken out a couple of loans myself at Lending Club, most recently just a couple of months ago, and I can assure you the interest rate offered the investor is the same rate that is offered the borrower. However, the APR is always higher for the borrower because it takes into account the origination fee charged to the borrower. This is disclosed in the Truth in Lending statement and in several places on the Lending Club website. I can assure you there is no highway robbery going on here. What type of address and income verification tools does LC use for investors Logan Guidry says todays my first day on the site and i have a few questions if possible. my initial deposit was 5,000 do you think that is enough AIso I8217m having a hard time finding out exactly how to go about buying the notes and getting the opportunity to sell a loan. im not sure if today just may be a slow one i just want to make sure I8217m not missing out lol thanks for your time, logan I think 5,000 is enough to get decent diversification 8211 this will give you 200 notes as long as you stick to the 25 minimum. I have a 401K with a former employer and am considering moving out of that and into LC. Is there an article with information about how this works I am seeing different info on what states will let me invest in LC or Prosper. I live in Ohio but also own a home in Arizona. Can I open an LC or Prosper investing account in Ohio or Arizona An update, many sites have conflicting data for what states are allowed but LC of course has the correct data. Just didn8217t want to open an account before figuring it out. Ohio is not permitted but Arizona is. I have a home in Arizona but am working in Ohio temporarily. I used my Arizona home and banking to set up an account, should be good there. My next problem is the FOLIO trading account. They want employer name and address which is Ohio. Does anyone have knowledge if this will stop me from setting up a FOLIO account or maybe cause me problems with my main LC account. While I can8217t say definitively, my feeling is that this will have no impact on your Folio or main LC account. People often work for employers that are out of state. Thanks for the reply. I have since been able to purchase some notes and also establish a Folio trading account. I have pulled historical data from Lending Club and have been looking it over. I would like to see similar historical data for Folio but have not been able to locate it. Could you tell me were I might find this There is very little information on historical data for Folio. But I encourage you to check out the Lend Academy forum where many members discuss Folio strategies at length. You can read through the LC Folio section for a wealth of information: lendacademyforumindex. phpboard19.0 First, great site and thank you for all the great information you provide. I had a question regarding some information LC has on their investing site. It says8230 8220For example, if an investor made a 100,000 one time investment in 36-month, grade B Notes providing an aggregate 6.0 net annualized return, they would receive approximately 3,035 each month in cash payments to reinvest or withdraw.8221 Now I think it8217s just because I don8217t know exactly what net annualized return is, but how do they reach the 3,035 monthly cash payments I would receive if I invested 100,000 I was thinking about investing 10,000 so a 300 a month in payments sounded good to me, that is why I ask this question. Thank you Peter. That is a common question. The reason for the numbers you quote above is that the cash paid back into your account contains principal and interest, not just interest. Now, you can choose to reinvest all or a portion of these payments or just take the cash out. Chris8217s comment - 8220For example, if an investor made a 100,000 one time investment in 36-month, grade B Notes providing an aggregate 6.0 net annualized return, they would receive approximately 3,035 each month in cash payments to reinvest or withdraw.8221 I have been looking into LC and considering giving it a test run, I came across this string this evening and its been very useful. I did want to comment on this recent post where Peter states this is interest and principal. Although am looking at this example and see it like this - 100K invested, 6 net annualized return 3035 per month, 36m loan - therefore and correct me if i am wrong here - 3035 x 36 109,260-100K 9260 over 3 years3 3086 per year 3.086 return per year. Doesn8217t seem too impressive when i look at it like that if indeed i have this correct. Albeit higher than a 36month CD but riskier. Any comments would be appreciated. David, Let me try to explain this to make it more clear. You invest 100,000 at 6 your monthly payment is (according to my amortization calculator) 3,042. Now, the payment in month consists of 2,542 or principal and 500 of interest. So, after month 1 you no longer have 100K invested, you have 97,458 invested since some of the principal has been returned to you. Now, you can choose to reinvest this principal or not. If you do nothing then your outcome will be similar to what you describe above. If you reinvest your principal you will receive your 6 return 8211 assuming no fees and no defaults. There8217s a REASON WHY this COMPANY, operates under California Law. So, when you get RIPPED off, the FEDS ARE NOT INVOLVED. RUN, DO NOT WALK, AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY. There8217s is NO PROTECTION on YOUR MONEY. You are at the MERCY of their Loan Dept. and there is NO GUARANTEE that the loan you are INVESTING in, is a legitimate individual. They claim that they screen loan applicants, on employment, income, blah, blah, blah, blah. It8217s a lie. I have been stating this, every chance I get, to wise people up. You can create a fictitious individual, make the loan, and walk, after 1st payment. That8217s what they told me, when they claimed to verify a guy for a 20k loan, with 5k monthly income with 7up, for a downpayment on a house. LC said they couldn8217t find the guy, after missing 2nd payment. For all I know, someone at LC made this guy up, got 20k, and LHAO. Don8217t get RIPPED OFF, put it in an INDEX FUND or ETF, you have a safer way of ROI. They don8217t like me much. I filed several complaints, and found out WHY they operate under STATE LAW. They won8217t tell you, HOW MUCH MONEY people lost, investing in their loans. Those different loan grades, don8217t mean a thing. A grade A loan is NO better than a D, E, G etc. It8217s all BS. RUN FORREST, RUN. Wow Ken, that is quite the negative review. Clearly you have had a bad experience. To give a little perspective let me share my own experience. Over all my accounts I have received over 1,000 defaults. Yes, you read that right: over 1,000. That is 1,000 people who have not paid back their loan in full and some of them never even made a single payment. Now, I have made well over 12,000 loans so the vast majority have paid on time every month. Which is why, with a well diversified portfolio, returns at Lending Club are remarkably consistent even after experiencing defaults. Ken, I have no idea of your personal situation that led to you writing such harsh criticisms but suffice it to say I have had a very different experience. Lending Club continues to provide me and tens of thousands of other investors great returns month after month. Because Peter, IT8217S TRUE. LC claims they verify the people making the loans. Unless LC has improved their operating procedures, and the way they do business, it8217s a sham and ALSO a SHAME. I believe your numbers are in ERROR. Because the loans that were being sold by LC members was HUGE. The INVESTORS WANTED OUT of the LOAN. LC can say WHATEVER they want to appease the INVESTORS, and 1000 DEFAULTS is JUST a FRACTION, (MAYBE for 1 year) but LC DOES NOT TELL the WHOLE story. And after reading other comments about people who made loans and invested, to SEE the SPREAD, LC is making HUGE amounts of money as a middle man, with NO RISK on their part at all. When I talked to one of LC8217s attorneys, and HOW EVASIVE he WAS with my questions, that8217s WHEN it BECAME CLEAR to me, that ripoff artists were DEEPLY IMBEDDED in this company. LC knows me, and they don8217t like me much, because I TELL the WHOLE STORY. Not just BITS and PIECES, Peter. Professional ILLUSIONISTS in banking. BEWARE folks, when it comes to money, HONESTY is THROWN out the window. TRUST is hard earned, and LC has taken the course of P. T. BARNUM ( sucker born every minute). Do you get any perks from LC Peter, or do they just guarantee you won8217t lose money I have spent many hundreds of hours studying Lending Club over the last several years and I can promise you that my numbers are not in error as you claim. The vast majority of investors do not want out 8211 the opposite is actually true. They continue to invest more money. And while I do have a business relationship with LC, long time readers know that I try to be very fair in my coverage. But as an investor I get no special treatment whatsoever. As an investor who suffered a 3.5 percent drop in my million dollar portfolio over the last week I decided to try out the lending club with a starting point of 5000.00 What you8217re saying is that we are limited to 10 of our net worth, so theoretically I would be able to invest 100k How volatile is the Lending club Does it become safer with larger investment I am currently only doing 25 increments, thinking that multiple miniature loans seems safer than bulk loans. Is it worth transferring a large portion of my assets that are now in stocks and bonds over to lending club for more reliable returns One of the things I love about Lending Club and P2P lending in general is the lack of volatility. With a well diversified portfolio there is very little monthly variance to the returns. If you are investing 5,000 I would stick with the 25 minimum 8211 once you get over 5,000 I think it is ok to start increasing the note size. You really want at least 200 notes to be well diversified. But after about 1,000 notes there is little advantage in being more diversified. As to your question as to whether it is worth it for you to put in more that is a call only you or your financial advisor can make. I can8217t comment on your personal situation but I can tell you that I have a large portfolio that I share publicly here: lendacademymy-returns-at-lending-club-and-prosper Thank you for the site 8211 full of such useful info that I8217m very tempted to get the ball rolling and make some loans. But here8217s what8217s holding me back. Lending Club (stock symbol LC) IPO8217d back in Dec 2014 at around 24. A few days later it got as high as 29 and has steadily fallen since then, to close (as of this writing) at 7.73. That8217s a near 75 decline. Yes, the markets have been bad these opening weeks of 2016. But still 75 I8217ve done some additional research and many are saying that LC is not doing anything special and that others are figuring that out. They are pure middlemen, gathering, for instance, credit reports on potential clients that anyone can do. So what happens if other companies start to spring up and compete with LC (and Prosper) Their margins get squeezed, as do the returns to investors. Here8217s the big question: If LC goes under, don8217t you, the investor, go under as well Peter, to the best of my knowledge, your account with LC is not insured. Could it not simply go poof and vanish into thin air Lending Club8217s stock price got ahead of itself clearly. But even though the stock has fallen 75 I have never once questioned LC8217s future viability. They have 1 billion in cash on their balance sheet and are generating positive cash flow every month. Many stock market investors clearly think LC will not become more than a niche specialty finance player and that is why they are being valued. But I have followed LC very closely now for 6 years and I am very bullish on their long term prospects. Full disclosure: I own stock in LC so I clearly have a vested interest in their outcome. As to your question about what would happen in a bankruptcy at LC, there is a backup servicer in place and investors should continue to receive their money. For almost all borrowers the money will continue to be deducted from their bank account every month regardless of whether LC is a solvent entity or not. Why did you delete my comment, Peter A 75 decline in LC8217s stock price in less than 12 months got you worried too Or do you have a much greater stake in LC than you let on and can8217t risk spooking future investors Be honest. I8217m appealing to your humanity. Let your readers read what I wrote. Let them decide for themselves whether they want to put their hard-earned assets with a company with no insurance. They should know that if LC goes under, they risk losing not only a Note here and there, but that they could actually lose their entire account. Shame on you, Peter. Your comment was not deleted. But for all new commenters I hold their comments in a moderation queue before publishing. This is standard practice and it prevents spam from getting through and polluting the comment stream. Your next comment should go through immediately (unless you are using a different IP address). The only comments I ever delete are those that are offensive or abusive. Always happy to have a lively and open discussion here. Just for everyone8217s curiosity, and as a follow up, I have been investing in LC notes since 2009. I started investing with only two loans of 25 each. now have thousands of loans, and have scaled very slowly by monthly incremental investments. Now, after into 8 calendar years of investments, I still cannot believe that after all the defaults, and 8220fraud8221 borrowers that I also have had, which may not have been vetted 100, I am still increasing my positions at a steady clip, and have returns over 7 on the safer portfolio, and over 9pct on the more risky portfolio8230 and have been investing in different managers investing in this field to diversify even more, since a few years ago, in managers such as NSR invest, among many, many others. So far, have been very happy with returns overall. Yes I agree that LC does not verify 100pct of their borrowers, and do also understand the same applies to credit card borrowers from banks, and I certainly would want LC to verify all, along with having a much stronger collection process to go after the pay once, then default mentality crowd, yet am cognizant of the fact that there will be crooks in every business, and perhaps the government should be a lot tougher on fraudsters, borrower frauds, and much tougher on scammers. LC has been doing an excellent job for us small investors, as without them, we would not have the access to loans for as little as 25 investments Bravo Renaud Laplanche, the president of LC, who is very small investor friendly. By the way, I wholeheartedly believe LC is justified in making a profit, why shouldn8217t they I don8217t think anyone works for free, and we shouldn8217t expect them to not make a profit either. As far as Peter, I8217ve followed his work since day one, and as a genuinely ardent fan of his, and of his showing all his positions, loans, personal money positions quarterly in this field transparently, I have a lot of respect for him, and his team. Because of him and returns shown by him, along with his transparency, I have decided to invest a lot more heavily in this investment space By the way, for all those that are curious, want to hear the players in this field, and judge for yourselves, you must attend LendIt conference in San Francisco, CA, April 11-12. It is a must attend, as last year there were over 2,500 attendees when I attendedI I made a lot of great contacts, whom currently am invested through as well. No, I do not have any vested interest in the above statements, besides learning from the contacts I have gained, and follow. Below is a link I have provided for all to go to in order to attend, and learn, and make contacts if you are truly interested, and are serious to make money in P2P, and marketplace lending, I have, and am. lenditusa2016 I would like to start off with investing in two loans at 25 like you started. Which criteria did you use to select your first 2 loans I realize it is better to invest in a couple hundred loans but I would like the money that I need for that to come from these two investments instead of my savings account. I do realize that the first 2 loans i invest in won8217t give me the 5,000 right away but I know that those two loans will eventually give me more money to invest in more loans. I know that starting off with two loans might be harder but it is obviously not impossible since you8217ve done and that is why I would love for you to give me some guidance. While I understand starting small investing in two loans of 25 each will take you several decades to reach 5,000 if you don8217t add any new deposits. Of course, I assume you will be adding money on a somewhat regular basis. That is what I did. I started with two loans but have since added well over 100,000 to my initial investment. If you are starting small I think it is best to invest in A grade loans. You want to minimize the probably of a default at all costs when you are only diversified into two loans. Thanks for chiming in. Good to get your perspective here. And thanks also for your kind words and for your LendIt plug. I look forward to seeing you again in SF at LendIt USA 2016. Mary Rowell says
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